Pleased to be reading 24 Feb 2010 at 7PM as part of the W2 Real Vancouver Writers & Culture Series (112 West Hastings Street). I’ll be reading from “Sunshine City” a new short story that appears in the Zsuzsi Gartner edited anthology Darwins Bastards, coming soon from the ever-brilliant Douglas & McIntyre.
In an evening hosted by Hal Wake, other writers reading will be Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Steven Galloway, Rhonda Waterfall, The Yarnbombers Leann Prain and Mandy Moore, Weldon Hunter, McKinley M Hellenes, Alex Leslie, kc dyer, Leilah Nadir, Caroline Adderson and Brad Cran.
Estimated likelihood the event will rock: 100%
All deets: W2 Real Vancouver Writers & Culture Series